We’re excited to announce that Lead Teacher of 3/4A and our resident mindfulness coach, Charlie Sutherland, has just launched a new and vastly expanded mindfulness program, to cultivate happier and more effective humans!
Workdays are an opportunity to gather as a community and work together to take care of our shared outdoor environment. Although this is not a childcare event, we appreciate any and all helping hands! Come when you want, do what you want, and leave when you want will be the approach for this work day.
Saturday, 11/26/24
10am – 2pm
This workday is all about removing leaves and spreading woodchips!
Lil Hoopers provides an opportunity for preschoolers to learn the game of basketball. This “all about the fun” class will introduce basketball basics as children ages 3-5 experience being part of a team. Lil Hoopers is coached by Isley Brown, who is a former Skyline High School basketball player. Isley is currently a student at Wayne Sate University and substitute teacher at the U School. He has previous experience as a child care staff member at AAPS Rec & Ed where he has also served as youth coach and referee. Isley has a passion for working with young children and coaching.
Every year, once the first weeks of school have settled, we invite everyone in for a lovely autumn party. Please join us!
The October Soirée is a gathering for our whole community—families, board members, community partners, supporters of the U School, and anyone interested in learning about us. This is not a children’s play event, but it is family friendly. Many families will find babysitters for the evening and many families will bring their children and head home early for bedtime. It is up to you. Regardless of your choice we look forward to spending some time together.
Come for some light food, beverages, company and conversation. Check out our school and find out what the children have been up to. Looking forward to seeing you there!
These are workshop-style gatherings of families, educators, and caregivers to discuss the full range of joys, trials, successes, and challenges we face in cultivating inspiring environments and experiences for children. These conversations emphasize the U School Lexicon as a platform for productive, truthful and useful discourse at your child’s level.
This year’s programming offers a series of three sessions covering some fundamental topics:
Every year, once the first weeks of school have settled, we invite everyone in for a lovely autumn party. Please join us!
The October Soirée is a gathering for our whole community—families, board members, community partners, supporters of the U School, and anyone interested in learning about us. This is not a children’s play event, but it is family friendly. Many families will find babysitters for the evening and many families will bring their children and head home early for bedtime. It is up to you. Regardless of your choice we look forward to spending some time together.
Come for some light food, beverages, company and conversation. Check out our school and find out what the children have been up to. Looking forward to seeing you there!
This book contains a vocabulary which keeps our daily conversations with children firmly anchored in the U School’s ideals. The Lexicon helps people understand how they can be powerful problem solvers, helps children and grown-ups communicate with less friction, and supports social-emotional development and executive function.
Here is an opportunity, that comes with a story, to support resources for the U School that go directly to children that will benefit from addtional support services. This is a strong need for the U School as we build a greater inclusive community. Please read on and think about which choice is best for you – golfing, hole sponsorship, or direct donation.
In 2020 the world lost an amazing human, one who truly believed that children were our future, that education was power and that we each have a hand to play in shaping the world to be a better place and in creating a culture where everyone has the best possible opportunity to learn and develop—to be the best version of themselves. That person was the mother of Stacey (a childhood friend of the U School’s co-founders, Jackson and Ryan), a true innovator who was passionate about the children that walked into her classroom, played in her back yard and knocked on her front door.
A message from Stacey,
Neighborhoods have changed over the last few decades, I was extremely fortunate to grow up in one of those rare Ann Arbor neighborhoods where everyone literally knew your name, where neighbors celebrated each other’s accomplishments and lent a helping hand when needed. My mother loved watching the kids from the neighborhood grow into the type of adults she envisioned them to be.
Over the past 20+ years there were 100s of conversations where she would share how proud she was of ‘The Boys’, as she so lovingly called them. This group of high energy, passionate and driven young men more than surpassed her expectations: whether their path was business, music or education, they each fell into a space selected by their hearts. She would ‘clip’ an article about their achievements or give me an update on their success via a run-in at Meijer or Target that she recently had. She ensured that regardless of where I was in the world, I knew how well they were doing and how their contributions were making a difference.
The “U” School was founded and is ran by two of those ‘boys’, Ryan Brown & Jackson Perry. In her honor, I couldn’t think of a better way to keep her memory alive than to establish a fund that would ensure that each year ‘The Boys’ have access to assets that would allow for them to fuel the commitment to improving the educational experience for future generations. She truly believed, with her last breath, that children are the future and how we nurture, connect, and teach them impacts the world.
We thank each of you for helping us to create a lasting memory with the intent to give back and nurture others. I can’t think of a better way to honor my mother’s memory than finding a fun way to bring people together all while supporting the growth needs for the children in our circle.
My mom was my biggest cheerleader, I hope that I can now be hers. Please join us in celebrating her memory by participating in the 1st D.A.J. Memorial Golf Classic!
Happy, healthy, and inspired children make the world a better place.
The U School is a “new-model” early childhood and family learning center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We offer an innovative educational experience for families with children ages 3-5 years old.
To offer a happy, healthy, and inspired early childhood learning environment that builds a positive sense of self in children and a connectedness to community.